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SAE Magazine 13-3

INDEX h be so close to the moon, from it. In order to bring position the earth is great- with matte paintings is to ppropriate distance to the ement so that the credibil- ned. This is a welcome re- hen choosing colours. But lanets you need to ensure k as possible. nt to use a lot of detail for ce a small curve. The im- emely helpful for this. ed using the ‘Image Warp‘ takes a little time. So that up over the previous cir- ust be created with a layer Once this is done the plan- ers and oceans. Here it is egrate the curves nearby/ on the edges. The better this is, the more believ- able the planet will look in the end. The curves are drawn on a separate layer using a round brush. The last texturing step for the time being is the North Pole and the snow-capped peaks of the mountains. Like with the continents NASA material can also be drawn on here. Textures which are to be seen on the wind-swept snow-capped peaks are drawn over the whole planet and again customised with the ‘Im- age Warp‘ transform tool. Finally a mask is created and edited. You should build in irregularities in this regard so that the result isn’t perfect and ultimately will look more natural. When doing the mountains be careful that these are random but still unobtrusive. Finally don’t place mountain chains on every con- tinent and country which have the required height for snow. It is particularly important in this context to take the level of detail into account: too much de- tail makes a planet stand out too much, not enough detail and the matte painting isn’t believable. ➤
