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SAE Magazine 13-3

you need to make your l backers. Many investors the target amount, given are infrequent; this is also s as they can still partici- y. ums are only very rarely e are only small or minor ch is why the majority of crowdfunding are small be implemented success- ilor their rewards accord- le, contributors the oppor- s in the credits or meet the s the fact that each spon- e a say in the project and money in things they like. gets what they want: the developers obtain their capital in exchange for counter performance and service fees (depending on the platform between 3 and 5 % of the amount raised) and the backers get a project as they en- visaged it. An additional advantage is the dissemi- nation of project via the crowdfunding site. Those who support projects they like will tell other peo- ple about it or share it within their social networks. Thereby crowdfunding can almost be used as a marketing tool in order to make a project accessi- ble to the public. As projects have to be openly pre- sented on crowdfunding sites anyone can access them and potentially use these to their advantage and success. In addition the crowdfunding sites do not give any guarantees or carry out checks as to whether the money or the services to be received are legitimate, or even the project itself. As long as they don’t do this, there is no liability on their part. ➤ INDEX,
