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SAE Magazine 13-3

90 PEOPLE & BUSINESS // DANIEL HALSALL Indeed – this however certainly makes it highly an- ticipated, how can I watch it? Well I could send you a DVD if you want. At the mo- ment, the documentary is not distributed but it has screened at various locations around the world, Af- rica and Europe mainly, and is being sent to festi- vals. I would love a DVD indeed. Thank you. It would be my pleasure. Then came “Things We do for Love”– your own feature length movie? Actually no – I was able to secure funding to shoot a documentary about famine in Burkina Faso. This however is still in production as it is a bit more am- bitious than the one about Rwanda. How did you manage to get funding for all these projects? Well you know I really have been doing a lot of re- search about various film funding options out there and ultimately it really is about keeping your eyes and ears wide open. The bottom line is that film costs money to make and that is why every filmmaker should allocate enough research time for him or her to be able to identify potential sources. As a matter of fact, this is precisely how I got to shoot my own feature length movie – Things We Do For Love. How did that come about? A friend contacted me ab NISI-MASA which is an in and Portuguese governm professionals to work on t After going through a rat process, I was one of the f got retained amongst hun Before I knew it, I was em crew for a 6000 km journ to Guimaraez, Portugal. T the Netherlands, France, of course Portugal. That sounds like an amazi to do it through the NISI-M No. As a matter of fact, it ambitious project but I’m g in the end. NISI-MASA gave us a fan onboard editing facilities ment. But due to the num was clear we needed ano journey. This is why I have from other sources and I a SAE Institute was one of t Brilliant. And where is yo moment?
