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SAE Magazine 13-3

74 PEOPLE & BUSINESS // CONCEPT ART - SCHERWINSKI & PREISSLER How are your workshops set up? Klaus: We try to balance lectures about composition or colour with phases where the students get to test their mettle against some challenging assignments we give them. For the beginner it can be quite the head scratcher at the start but we try to motivate newcomers to experiment and then give personal assistance and support where needed. Luisa: Some young artists their first steps in concep on a different level but tha back from real life people It is our experience that a a lot of question and ans best. Can you recommend any artists? Luisa: I would recommend by James Gurney. It is a lo there is so much to learn fr ings. When it comes to digita com is a very useful we techniques of painting in easily to understand. I wis thing like that around whe Klaus Scherwinski • Born in Minden,1976 • Storyboard Artist at CR • Illustrator for role playin Battletech or Warhamme • Comic artist for Transfo Metal Magazine • Since 2004 has taught OWL (Media production ternational College and burg • Website: www.klaussch Dark Science Fiction is exactly what Klaus likes. This became a novel cover for “Dark Creed”, published by Games Workshop’s Black Library imprint and their mega popular Warhammer 40.000 franchise.
