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SAE Magazine 13-3

a living when you are not AE? artist at Crytek in Frank- ryboards for the Xbox One n of Rome and company- concept art for projects I ic books and have been shops in graphic storytell- ous universities and insti- now. a to do book covers and Crytek, Ulisses Spiele (The finder), and various other e role playing or games rked on the next-genera- llen by German developer with City Interactive. tists, what made you pick lot of other young artists. nd painting from a young n and other anime series my first graphic tablet and gital painting. The internet was a great inspiration and an oppor- tunity to gain feedback and get involved with other artists. Then I lost interest for a while, especially during university and got involved in other things like film making and photography and everything media production had to offer. I think it is okay to try out many things before you settle on a profession, that way you can really make sure you chose the right thing in the end. What finally got me going again was taking part in one of Klaus’s workshops, learning the basics like composition, anatomy and posing of characters. He was the living example of making art a career and that really got me hooked. Klaus: When I started drawing there was no inter- net, no graphics tablets or Photoshop. Inspiration came through TV anime series like Captain Future or later on Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs that kick-started my drawing endeavors. Since there was a dire shortage of available comic books in the 80s in Germany I had to draw this stuff myself and seeing that my peers at school enjoyed what I drew was a great motivation. How did the two of you get to team up? Luisa: When I attended a VHS college seminar that Klaus delivered in my hometown Bielefeld. I was already painting for a few years but I some- how got stuck and really needed motivation. Little did I know that this course ended up chang- ing my perspective on art so much that I considered becoming a professional. ➤ INDEX
