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SAE Magazine 13-3

172 been controlled monthly b had not been any signs behaved. Because of this they had forbid the use of the interne of security software. Until then the onus on p children’s access and use grey area with expert opini But this case saw Germa Justice, Bundesgerichtsho ruling. PICTURE the scene. One early morning the police knock family home in Germany. The police present a search warrant and start searching t seized computers. On the laptop belonging to a 13 year-old boy, police find 1 with the help of file sharing programmes like Morpheus an by Thomas H Stop Children Gett In Web Tangle Why the Internet should not be What seems to be a scene from fiction was the real beginning of a lawsuit. As the boy was too young to be prosecuted and unable to pay any compensation, the plaintiffs, consisting of four major labels, claimed against the boy’s parents. The plaintiffs argued that they infringed upon their duty to control and educate their children. The parents admitted to have given internet access to their children but said they had warned them not to use file sharing platforms. They also stressed the children’s computers had PRODUCTION & KNOW HOW // LAW
