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SAE Magazine 13-3

INDEX n of the Gnu Quartet and e entire score, the opera- aset studios involved the s by a 21-piece orchestra. nsformed into symphonic ding of double scores and ncer. me was considered to be the demands of producer s were used, such as the n, a studio which has y Charles, Robert Palmer, d Depeche Mode. ed included the Mediaset Quartet, Filo Q and Gpees. ok place in London, over- orgio’s business partner. ction company Gpees Ltd egan after meeting in the an several years ago. n About I 2 Soliti Idioti I 2 Soliti Idioti is a film directed by Enrico Lando, produced and made in Italy by Taodue Film. It is the sequel to the blockbuster I Soliti Idioti – which took in 12 million euros at the Box Office and was released in November 2011. The full-length feature brings to the big screen a cast of characters already well known to audiences from the series of the same name broadcast on MTV Italia. Part of the format’s success is the high number of hits it received on YouTube and the infectious gags dreamed up by authors Mandeli, Biggio and Ferro. The plot is a snapshot of the behaviour of an average Italian, using an original comedy structure and surreal characters. n INFOBOX
