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SAE Magazine 13-3

256 Zurich+++ On Trend Masterclass +++ Drum Tuning Workshop W CampusNews SAE & SAE ALUMNI NEWS // EUROPEAN NEWS Drum tuning workshop with Rico Horber and drum recording workshops n For most audio technicians recording drums just means setting up the microphones, ­levelling and ­recording - it is, however, almost as impor- tant to adjust and tune the drums prior to starting the ­session. This is exactly the topic covered by ­expert Rico Horber during his drum tuning work- shop which comprised not only use in the studio Rico Horber with a set by DrumCraft. Photo:SAEZurich but also live use. He sho cymbals, toms, snares et studio sessions or the n can be tuned ­quickly to m the desired song or band In addition to this maste ­offered external intereste to put some first class pro practice by way of a sold shop. n
