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SAE Magazine 13-3

+++ Prestigious Partners Benefit SAE Madrid Students +++ Warner Music Scholarships For SAE Spain Students +++ INDEX enefit students access practical -openingworkplacements. antly signs new collabora- mpanies in the audiovisual cted industry experts­ orld renowned academic nts to progress to the ng campuses securing a tions. h a host of companies in- tainment Spain, DRAXAu- Entertainment, PRISA TV ultidesign. atory for SAE students who /BSc Hons Audio Produc- s allow the students to put and abilities into practice in nt. SAE Madrid students benefitting from the place- ments include Belén González, a first year BA/BSc Hons Audio Production student who completed a work placement in DRAX Audio Studios, Madrid. She (CHECK!) said: “I’m getting the chance to work with so many prominent radio DJs, artists, TV chan- nels and directors as well as with professionals from the sector and admirable technical teams. “This has allowed me to considerably widen my knowledge of this branch of sound which will help my professional career.” Pablo Cañas is a second year BA/BSc Hons Au- dio Production student who has completed a work placement with PRISA TV. He said: “Working on a placement with PRISA TV has helped me a lot. If I hadn’t done my placement here, I would not have gained all the necessary con- tacts to help with finding a job. “Before I finished my placement I left my CV with PRISA’s various sound departments. “The day after finishing my placement the Opera- tions department called me in to cover during the bank holidays in the recording booths.” n
