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SAE Magazine 13-3

kholm Good Vibrations! +++ Stockholm Sweet Home as SAE Success Continues +++ SAE Stockholm is Student Reco INDEX amme (MBP) graduate now co-owner of fast- company and record label Jörgen Bergstedt (chief enric Axelsson co-run the ublishing company, record tudio in Stockholm. tockholm Simon Lundblad t producer at Eurosport. edadi now works as a scout ir newly released distribu- rmer MBP student Georg E Stockholm student and én. kholm’s assistant campus chairman of the board for The organisation was formed during 2012 by ­Musiksverige, the umbrella organisation of the ­Swedish music industry. It was established to further develop and strengthen links and collaboration opportunities between the­ industry and educators. AEP student Patrik Hägg has started working as a live technician for company Ears & Eyes. Former MBP student Emelie Ehrling is now the manager of Swedish band Dorm Patrol ( while another graduate from the course Carola Mendoza is now the manager for Swedish band Overworld. SAE Stockholm is simply the home of success. n
