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SAE Magazine 13-3

INDEX ng techniques and music decades could even lead ent sounds are inherent to ances applied to music. A erminism’. logical determinism was Veblen at the end of the te social and economic of historical development. s described as a determin- rge part, of cultural, social ons. uction, it is evident that the he last few decades has, fluenced more by a tech- by a transformation in the s. the need to know how the hat have been used have ble to analyse and under- ound within the history of a methodology of analysis he same way that various s are used in the field of to find common patterns l for other producers. ho would like to study the cer, signifying a definitive dation of music production e. n Other references For a graphic analysis of mixing, a classic reading that has subsequently inspired many other authors is “The Art of Mixing: A Visual Guide to Recording, Engingeering and Production” by David Gibson (ISBN: 1-93114-045-6). The two parts of “Behind the Glass - Top Record Producers Tell How They Craft the Hits” by Howard Massey (ISBN: 0-87930- 614.9) carry out a review of the main aspects of music production by interviewing the most important producers of the last few decades. Another good audiovisual resource is the BBC documentary series “Classic Albums” which takes a look at the process of producing some of the most important albums in the history of contemporary popular music through the artists and producers featured. n INFOBOX In most cases, technical decisions involve artistic actions that influence the final result of the recording as part of creation.
