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SAE Magazine 13-2

136 T he special thing about the vintage look is the interplay of colours in the images which invokes a pleasant, warm mood in viewers. Examples can be found on YouTube in our Ois- GuadeGroovt TV Channel. With one simple trick, which we will show you in this tutorial, you can adapt your film to the desired look. All you need is Adobe After Effects and a high per- formance computer. We will show you some very good techniques which can help you to increase your creativity in the future. Of course you can also take the effect described here and develop some of the details a little further to add a personal touch. 1. After importing the desired film material into Adobe After Effects create two new compositions. Call the first one FINAL_VINTAGE and drag and drop the film material in there. Then insert a Black Solid into the second composition by right click- ing in the layer window. Name this composition VINTAGE_EFFECT; it will be worked on first. 2. Browse the Effects & the effect called Fractal N in the Noise & Grain folde down the left mouse butt your composition. Fractal random interference. If th ever, set up correctly a gr the ‘trashy’ image which is mented with. Call the BURNS 1, so that later o no confusion between the Production & Know How // Vintage Look with Adobe After Effects
