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SAE Magazine 13-2

48 He also plans to continue to develop and innovate within the campus. An Auro-3D room has already been built, with a small Foley-stage being added later on, as well as an extended IT infrastructure and TV screens. These are capable of showing the locations and timings for lectures each day, all of which are useful and appealing examples of innovation going on within the school. And having seen his mentor Bob Katz write one of the most highly acclaimed books in the recording industry “Mastering Audio” it has inspired him to write and potentially release a book in the future. If this was not enough, he technical aspects of a ne Galaxy Studios. Robin tells me that the building only forms 40% o with the new buildings The first stage of the new ing complete and will inclu theatre. Revealingly he adds that busy as much as possible After an interesting and en Robin, we finalise our c Staff Profile // Robin Reumers Robin with Bob Ludwig and Wilfried Van Baelen at Gateway Masterin are two amazingly talented professionals from our indust
