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SAE Magazine 13-2

b +++ Visit to regional radio broadcaster +++ LESS presentation +++ RED - SET - GO! +++ Colour grading seminar Index Visit to regional radio broadcaster n On 11April 2013 our students on the Cross ­Media course had the opportunity to visit and get a glimpse behind the scenes at DIE NEUE 107.7, the most- listened to local radio broadcaster in Baden-Würt- temberg. Lecturer Manuel Lemke, who is ­also­Audio and Video Production Coordinator at the ­station, welcomed the students. After a short pre­sentation and a tour the students were allowed to be present in the studio for a broadcast, in absolute silence of course. The students were very ­enthusiastic about the visit and amazed that the 1.5 hours went so fast. n tour guide, lecturer Manuel Lemke Stefan Feser, lecturer and web developer at the LESS seminar Photo:SAEStuttgart
