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SAE Magazine 13-2

Index le within the floor module. n a 1024x1024 grid which ns each with 64 units. s not possible in every ous technical processes an be very helpful for any n. nded to consistently use grids. A good concept of ion gives an overview of ume of the environment ot loose sight of the most unwaver- demands urce plan- most out In doing your own a unique About the author Hendryk Jaroslawsky, born in 1990, currently freelancing in Hamburg. He has produced multimedia content for various end devices since 2006. His creative process is always accompanied by interactive 3D content in addition to classical advertising products and web applications. Since 2012 he has focussed his creativity on the gaming industry and in 2013 will obtain his Bachelor’s degree from SAE Hamburg. n Infobox 4. A module from the title image, separated into its individual components. All details are seamlessly put together in the 3D software based on the grid.
