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SAE Magazine 13-2

236 Hamburg +++ SAEers visit NDR +++ Trip to the M New SAEers in Hamburg n Right after the start of the course in April 2013 our new film students are already getting to know the SAE camera equipment in our ­practical workshops. CampusNews SAE & SAE ALUMNI NEWS // EUROPEAN NEWS Exclusive recruitment n Our degree students in SAEAlumniwereinvitedtov Hamburg” as part of an ex as the station is currently l intern in the “On Air Design ates can apply to Thomas Design), by telephoning 04 email to t.gleixner@radioh We wish you all lots of fu filming! Any non-SAEers who a media world, or would equipment and processe Film /Audio / Web / Cros ments can sign up for o days at http://hamburg egory/5759/Praxiswork tute_Hamburg. The next courses begi For information on all contact our Hamburg Treeter on 040 41 09 bildungsberater.hh@sae Trip to visit broadcaster Photo:SebastianTwele New SAEers in Hamburg Photo:SebastianTwele
