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SAE Magazine 13-2

national functions with- keting and Information to the position of Chief E Australia. day would be: phone, h! stly about communication. information, collaborating blish strategy, conveying following up to make sure uating and communicating e cycle repeats. e process is making sure e page, and tailoring the ly understood by stake- anisational levels to get h the status quo, looking nd being open to learning ue to grow and to become Index I am inspired by the amazing work of others (creative or otherwise), as well as knowing that the results they have achieved are mostly down to focus, discipline and hard work. Comparable results are attainable if one is truly motivated to succeed. Career Highlights I have always found graduation ceremonies a high- light of my work at SAE. It is very satisfying to see the proud, beaming faces of graduates, who I remember as anxious little newbies at orientation only a couple of years before. It makes me proud to be part of something that is making a positive difference to people’s lives. Words of Wisdom There is probably an element of ‘geek’ in all of us in this industry, but I would warn against allowing technology to become too great a focus. The more important skills that will carry you through your career are having the ability to develop a concept with an understanding of cultural and aesthetic context. It is important to know how to communicate, plan, and work with others to bring your ideas to fruition. Other than these things, be self-critical, and keep on questioning what you think you know. In the words of renowned physicist and cosmo- logist Stephen Hawking: “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” n tshell a y would be: , email, research!
