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SAE Magazine 13-2

ctors that have influenced gn’. es of typography on the n general. Eye-catching of space around are an flat design’ as well. In the d only use standard web been extraordinary or suit- the reasons was the low changing. are possibilities to include ectly. On the other hand ached an entire new level ntion of the retina display here was an automatic as pictures, textures and ly a growth of typographic ed to look cleaned up. e ‘mobile web’ is just as ebsites have to work on s as well and had to be a lot more work for the Index Examples of Flat Design There are also more examples on n Infobox developers. Today websites are built for all devices. They use different elements that auto- matically react to the resolution of the users screen. This is called ‘responsive design’. ‘Flat design’ with its simple and clear structures is predestinated for ‘mobile first’ which is the main thought of ‘responsive design’. The question is will ‘flat design’ only be a short trend that is used by a lot of designers for a short period or will it be a long-term stylistic device? The reaction from Apple on this new development will have a big influence. Apple has to resist the criticism that their GUIs, especially on the iPhone, have not been enhanced for a long time. In all probability Apple will catch up on that. It is to be expected that Apple will use more and more ‘flat design’ because its chief designer Jonathan Ive is no longer limited to the design of hardware, but following Scott Forstalls’ departure, is now the per- son in charge for Apples GUIs. In contrast to Forstalls, Ive confesses he is not a friend of skeuomorphism. n h its simple and is predestinated which is the main ponsive design’.
