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SAE Magazine 13-2

100 People & Business // Producer Bertha Navarro You are married to the film from the very beginning and stick with it until the end. Compromise is ex- tremely important, once you plant the seed, you must water it and watch it grow. We go back to the story. People think you can give an opinion on a project as an outsider. This is a mis- take. You must know the project. You must respect the story and vision. Opinions must come from the peo- ple within the project. SAE Institute has a long relationship with music and audio engineering. Films can sometimes be ruined by poor sound design and more notoriously, music. How should music be approached? I know the importance of being aware of music in a film, from the score to the sound design. However I have noticed that there is a gap when it comes to music in film. Music is another form of au- thorship within the film. Sometimes it is very difficult for filmmakers to communicate what they want in their movie. We are then faced with the scenario that music ru- ins the film because it does not serve its purpose correctly. Or, on the other hand, it is way to exposi- tional, the music underlines what the action should clearly state. I hold workshops that bring directors and musicians together. Through trial and error we open a dialogue and explore the power and creation of music for the film. I believe it is important that we work closer togeth- er. Sometimes it seems we are losing touch, every- thing is done at a distance. Producers focus merely on the production of the comes to focus on music, ey. The editor and directo temp music for so long th actually replacing it with grown used to the make- shift tracks. The temp music should be created from the be- ginning by the musician, allowing him or her to contribute properly to the film. What is your advice to u how to approach and crea I would invite people to talk dialogue. I think having c sions in person is very va on the themes of the proje As far as emerging filmma ing online. Self-distribution is a mus achieve major distribution bigger medium at play an enough. One of the answers is to fi create platforms to expres One example is the spac cional México offers indep way we can connect with let people know that there the world that the one tha larger scale.
