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SAE Magazine

60 T he 2011 graduation, held at the majestic HopetounAlpha building in centralAuckland, saw the nine students of that pioneering degree class capped. In another historic milestone during the graduation ceremony, guest speaker Dr. John Coulter from the University of Auckland announced a newly formed articulation agreement between the university and SAE Institute Auckland which now gives successful degree students right of entry into selected postgraduate programmes at the University of Auckland; an outstanding achieve- ment for a private institution in New Zealand. This agreement was a gol graduated Nikki Chamb her academic journey at Diploma in Audio Enginee diploma with distinction in SAE Auckland’s second e of Recording Arts degree of the programme, Nikki n lower than 90% for any sequently topped the clas her achievements was her project entitled ‘Music Be PEOPLE & BUSINESS // NIKKI CHAMBERLAIN SA SAE Alumna Nikki Chamberlain receives grant to study at University of Auckland
