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SAE Magazine

364 Dubai +++ SAE Institute Dubaiʼs bi-annual E-GAMES competition CampusNews SAE & SAE ALUMNI NEWS // INTERNATIONAL NEWS SAE Institu about new n Digital Art: SAE Institute Dubai lectur about the new Digital Paint inspired it. Over the millennia, art has b less ways, through every itself is relative and an artis tion of the world as he or s day, the conventionally po and charcoal to more mod and spray paint are seeing of the digital medium. With coming from the more con the digital brigade have d concerns of their peers. Using their digital tools in they would use a brush o have carved a niche that is but also inspiring a new ge WecaughtupwithBinguRa to be called) from SAE In him what it was like being young culture.SAE Institute Dubai 3D Animation and Digital Painting Lecturer Bingu Ratnapala Photo:AbdullaNasrawi
