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SAE Magazine

INDEX p in designing a plugin to st not remove any basic per would expect. Doing n an unused plugin. should be configurable this: ew code. s is defining its defaults. containing everything to The usage of the user options arguments should be optional. If it is used we do not want to force the developer to put in every property the plugin offers. We just want to let him specify changes to the defaults. To implement this we use jQuery’s $.extend function. This little helper is used to merge objects together. As user options is optional, we provide an empty object if it is not present. The last things you need to do before publishing your plugin is providing some core examples on what your plugin does and how to use it properly. Document it and provide a pre-minified version of the code. n efined) { nction(useroptions) { ue pairs xtend(defaults, user options || {}); (function() { ogic Download Files You can download the example files right away and get started in no time. n INFOBOX
