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SAE Magazine 12-2

+++ Excursion to Bigpoint +++ Excursion to Toneworx +++ SAE Party +++ Rebuild of Studio 2 +++ Excursion to Bigpoint +++ Excursion to Toneworx +++ SAE Party +++ HamburgCampusNews SAE Party n Shortly before the two-week summer holiday an epic party took place at the SAE Hamburg media bunker. The great thing about this event was that everything was carried out with the help of alumni, companies, musicians and staff members complete- ly comprised of Hamburg SAEers. During the evening, current SAE Bachelor students lookedaftertheentireeventwhilstthebands“Pfeffer” (comprising of SAE supervisors) and “Die Spams” (comprising of SAE lecturers) performed with the team from GLOBE-Music (comprising of SAE staff and alumni) looking after the sound aspects. All staff and students worked on this evening vol- untarily and created an excellent party with a great atmosphere and really good music. n SAE Party Excursion to Toneworx n As part of the “Audio Basics” lecture the SAE Hamburg game students were invited to the world renowned audio studio Toneworx in Hamburg. The students were personally shown around the entire studio complex by Managing Director Jörg Mack- ensen and were able to directly establish contact with the industry. All the students were very grate- ful for the extremely interesting event which result- ed in days of excited discussions during lessons about Toneworx Games realise for developing the audio and video technology for games such as FIFA, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Tomb Raider, Need for Speed, The Simpsons and Dragon Age Origins making a long lasting impres- sion. n Excursion to Toneworx +++ Excursion to Bigpoint +++ Excursion to Toneworx +++ SAE Party +++ Rebuild of Studio 2 +++ Excursion to Bigpoint +++ Excursion to Toneworx +++ SAE Party +++ Rebuild of Studio 2 Excursion to Bigpoint +++ Excursion to Toneworx +++ SA 157 SAE & SAE ALUMNI NEWS // EUROPEAN NEWS Index
