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SAE Magazine 13-2

80 KWP offers a wide range of services including business consultancy, communication and market- ing concept development. Its team works on web, mobile apps, search engine optimisation, inter- active, audio/ video and online relations. And Denise, Junior Web Developer at the KWP Agency for Interconnected Communications, explained to Philippe Botzek, SAE Institute Frank- furt Head Instructor in web design and develop- ment, how she fits into the team. Philippe Botzek: Denise, your work at KWP-Commu tasks? Denise Darmawi: At KW responsible for creating w When a customer wan website I arrange the inst development server. I then configure the Fle (FCE) and all other part correctly. Other work I do includes MySQL stuff. Sometimes I also assist a Javascript using jQuery as CSS. What projects are you cur Actually I am involved in many of these I am curre from the customer. I am also working on a company specialising in with an advertising agenc They chose to work wit pany does not have a sp is where I come in. Soon accomplished. People & Business // Denise Darmawi - Typo 3 Former SAE student shines a light On web development
