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SAE Magazine 13-2

62 P hilipp and Felix laid down the foundations for their entry into the games sector and ultimately the founding of Pipedream Games at SAE Institute Munich. Philipp started in 2004 studying Game Art & 3D Animation and graduat- ed with a Bachelor of Arts Honours in Interactive Animation. Afterwards he remained at SAE as a supervisor and also freelanced for various games companies. In 2008 Philipp became Head Instruc- tor for the Games department at SAE Munich, a position he still holds today. Pipedream Games sidekick Felix decided to study game programming and in 2005 started on the first Game Programming course at SAE in Munich. Before he commenced his studies he was actively developing software and has been working in this area for eleven years. When and why did you make the decision to start your own business and found Pipedream Games? Philipp: In the beginning of 2012 we carried out various small projects and one larger project together. The larger project was combined with a shareholder’s interest in a GmbH (German com- pany with limited liability). The whole thing was completely new territory for us and we learned from it and established that we work well together. After many problems and discoveries at the end of 2012 we decided that we needed to leave the GmbH. The decision was quickly made to go out on our own and realise our dream of having our own game development company! We wanted to implement our own visions into good external concepts and develop games which would be fun and meet our expectations! Could you briefly describ us? Philipp: Pipedream Gam unknown company, until to change this soon. Wh pany it was just the two o months to find our first Tarek Samaan. He is an e in the art area and like we have made together. doing and have fun along making good games with passion. Independence su skills and know that soone recognise them and our g Of course we aren’t ad external concepts and act In the beginning our goal is People & Business // PipeDream - Philipp Hellman, Felix Klakow
