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SAE Magazine 13-2

Index n a 30 person German rytek and working there d night. I could not have h a laid back and relaxed of a sudden I was in a made games to earn ad an Xbox controller on to get used to it! ng in the games industry ything in the industry that r other things that annoy fe cycle of the last genera- o stagnation in innovation. al aspect there is however s me. I am very happy to . It’s a good feeling to be rning and look forward to or the future? Do you think ur own? or me at the moment here ng forward to the upcom- oft Toronto after we finish education I have no less as a 3D and texture artist ny more great 3D models g Ubisoft games. the interview, Tim! Links Artworks from Tim Bergholz: SAE Institute - Games department: n Photos:TimBergholz
