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SAE Magazine 13-2

d Master Jaume +++ SAE Students Get Stuck Into Music Jam! +++ SAE Barcelona’s Online Oscars +++ SAE Students S Index n Barcelona Spotlight not only for the culture, nd night life but also for the es it hosts during the year. events on the calendar yament at the Palau de a. cutive year SAE students unity the event provides to asts from around the world. lights, photography and mpetition is the perfect r capabilities and land an ude two scholarships for imation Diploma at SAE the course fees slashed. or? n The five-day event welcomes more than 50,000 ­visitors, showcasing Barcelona’s different edu­ cational providers. And SAE Barcelona students stood out from the crowd with the help of a new stand. The high-profile event again proved a successful way to promote SAE’s distinctive brand. n The 4th SAE Online Film Festival
