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SAE Magazine 13-2

226 Cologne+++ Meet the Professionals: Michael Häck +++ 9 CampusNews SAE & SAE ALUMNI NEWS // EUROPEAN NEWS 99Fire-Film Award 2013 n The end of January saw the start of the 99Fire- Film competition. All participants were sent an email revealing the theme. Due to the high number of participants, there were several teams which were making different films, but still supporting each other in every aspect. The high level of brainpower led to one idea after the other being discussed regarding suitability and the possibility for development, until eventually every- body was able to put together an appropriate story. Friday was spent planning productions and scouting for locations and actors for films such as “KIBA” and “Zusammenwachsen” [Growing together] until late in the night. Filming first started on Sa until the early hours of the Sunday morning saw the s Everyone was busy throug colour and sound correct time. The countdown was last film was handed in on
