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SAE Magazine 13-2

the annoying jump between two different levels of detail is removed. Conclusion Unfortunately, this game also has its deficiencies. Billboards cut up by vegetation and implied shadows were among flaws noticed by a few of our team – albeit flaws that are unimportant with re- gard to the overall gameplay fun. Also the end video would not run, even after numer- ous restarts. This sparked the feeling that the game just did not want to reward us for our hard work. After several restarts of the computer, we managed to solve that problem. Other gripes included that alien weapons had to be replaced after a few cut scenes in order to fire with then again. This was especially confusing during boss fights and caused many needless deaths. Despite these bones of contention, when compared to the current AAA games, this shooter is not only a victory for graphics, but it also stands out with its fluid gameplay and a diverse, conclusive story that makes players hungry for more. ➤ he jungle atmosphere of ack to The Roots” is defi- d manages to support the eptionally well. dows behave dynamically e lost in the optical high e rain in the opening level. the flames and sparks ry corner seem close to rdware technology world. oor levels. f polygons used by other se of DirectX 11 tessella- of detail is dynamically possible quality and even Index Psycho Model of the Feline gun The enemy needs only to look to the floor. Prophet generates a shadow, regardless of his cloak-mode!
