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SAE Magazine 13-2

156 Production & Know How // Modular level design grid and automatically forms credible dimensions within the selected game engine. In this way using a well thought-out grid removes the need to estimate dimensions and repeatedly test the geometry. Well documented dummy scenarios, shared throughout the team serve to ensure significant time savings and prevents complications when merging sepa- rately generated areas together. The concept phase A well thought-out concept is a prerequisite for specific application, the fundamental factors of modular level design. The area to be designed is subdivided into the individual elements, regardless of its background. Particularly within the concept it is not the size of the necessary modules which is decisive, but rather identifying the geometry which is used as a basis for constructing levels. This means the difference in the number of the building types which are necessary in order to the provide a credible experience for consumers. The next logical question is exactly how many modules a building needs to be comprised in order to make it credible and efficient. If the environment is sensibly sepa- rated and the module size of the contained areas are clarified, all possible special cases which might occur also should be paid attention to. Here it is important to discuss whether for example addition- al levels of disrepair are necessary for the various buildings or if a river should come to an end within an area. In both cases additional unique geometry is necessary in the form of a waterfall or different wall sections. Current products generated by the industry have differing consumer expectations depending on the genre. D it is essential to determine ing or the use of hidden l Such unsightly and conditi be essential due to budg These things are to be co planned during the concep Absolute flexibility The fastidious work with clear concept can make th very static and inflexible. it is a dynamic and highly portant in the design pro ments which are crucial for 3. View of a complete module from image. Only areas which are in the are modelled.
