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SAE Magazine

Level 1: The Planet Level 1 (on the 3rd floor) has been given the code name ʻThe Planetʼ.Astudy area that includes class- rooms, workstations and teaching staff facilities. When entering ʻThe Planetʼ, the quote on the re- ception’s main wall sets the tone: “Let each man exercise the art he knows” (Aristophanes). The reception is spacious and comfortable, with staff members readily available to assist every guest. The first part of your tour on Level 1 consists of four classrooms and the working area with: student administration, lecturers, student liaison and marketing. All classrooms are equipped with audi- ovisual technology, while Class 1, 2 and 3 are di- vided by portable wall sections and can be easily transformed to one major lecture area with a ca- pacity for 100 people - or a medium one for 50, hosting seminars and events (the first major event hosted at the new SAE Athens, was a mastering seminar, with audio guru, Bob Katz). Class 4 is a “box in box”, floating construction, in order to host the “loudest” lectures. The second part of Level 1 reveals the Creative Media side of the moon. Technically advanced workstations are waiting for the students and their projects, across each and every creative media field (Audio/Film/3D Animation/Games/Web). The digital workstations are located in three working areas: the Digital Lab (where practical lectures take place), the creative media area and the suites (Audio/Film/3D Animation). The final destina- tions on Level 2 is the Green Screen Studio and a storage room for audio & film equipment. ➤ Studio B Spacecraft’s corridors Green Screen Studio INDEX
