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SAE Magazine

ward Winning vice by Krystel LoBianco Photo:SAEBrisbane SAE INDEX earn from the man behind some st successful Australian music videos Using a scene from ‘My Mistress’ Stephen brought the script to life and demonstrated his technique of working with professional actors. Stephen’s em- phasis was on identifying and working with the sub- text of the script and what each of the characters wants at any given point in the script. Students were in awe of the drama unfolding in front of them and in the 2nd workshop were given an opportunity to direct a scene from Stephen’s script with professional actors. Stephen is arguably the most successful music video director in Australia having won an Aria award this year for his music clip for Megan Washing- ton’s ‘Holy Moses’ and having directed other award winning videos for Silverchair, Kate Miller-Heidke, Powderfinger and Sarah Blasko. BFP students were also fortunate enough to have Stephen run a workshop in Music Video Production and to give his advice on their own ideas for music clips. n
