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SAE Magazine

148 Further Reading and Useful Links: Blank, S. & Dorf, B. 2012, The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company, K&S Ranch Publishing Division, Pescadero. Osterwalder A. & Pigneur, Y. 2010, Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken. Coyne, K. P. & Coyne, S. T. 2011, Brainsteering: A Better Approach to Breakthrough Ideas, Harper Collins, New York. Ries, E. 2011, The Lean Startup, Crown Publishing Group, New York. Lean Startup Machine 2012, Startup Weekend 2012, Lean Startup Circle 2012, n PRODUCTION & KNOW HOW // LEAN METHODOLOGY AND CUSTOMER VALIDATION Timeline of key ev In 1913, Henry Ford an entire production production with its m the 1920s and early duce the Takt Time. at each station must move to the next ass Kiichiro Toyoda, one Toyota Production S just-in-time delivery develops the Germa the 1930s. In the 19 practical methods to delivery of parts, wh
