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SAE Magazine

g you or I would like. For inds of candy and prefer tead. or exploring new galaxies most of them also love the e they will never stop trave- despite its disadvantages. s on their current mission crashed into a giant cake. hat is not spicy is the main to escape this “candy-like o maneuver your Swobbel level and pass the finish is designed as a washing g machine! Well, at least it´s the only rescue capsule that survived the crash unharmed and it brings the fastest Swobbel to his or her home somewhere at the spiciest spot in the universe. Unluckily they lost all their technical tools and items during their nosedive. A few of them landed on the surface of this unknown planet they had just crashed on. This is a great help for you to reach the washing machine earlier than anyone else. For example the anti-gravity-pearls that slow down anything that passes through them or the emer- gency provisions of chili that gives the Swobbel an extra speed boost. ➤ That finish line is designed as a washing machine – a real washing machine! Unity Engine game scene Photo:SAECologne INDEX
