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SAE Magazine

velop some kind of theory the difficulty of systemati- se factors that can induce largely due to such oring the historic appear- its impact on the cultural er that this process is still a old to the new. However, mic music centres, these aforementioned individual ples, models, fragments, vidual principles. These usual pattern (idea - com- they cannot and should entioned mechanism of alone the continued content, because in such d loose their fundamental and absoluteness. This rial par excellence, since pen discourse between ruition and understanding nt. has always been difficult INDEX The relationship between the world of images and sound Listening to something seems to us as a rather obvious activity. But in the world of multimedia this type of perception is not always automatic or banal. You can listen to the things or to the people/persons that do not exist and at the same time to create a non- existing sound or even soundscape. This is particularly important when we’re connect- ing visible and invisible worlds – the world of sound and the world of images. Human is a creature of both worlds, although it is often felt that sound still somehow belongs to the image … until you come to the conclusion that sound can be peeled off from the picture/image and it can live a fully independent life. All of this is important when we close our eyes and try to understand everything that surrounds us. Each thing has its own sound, but we need to recognise it. Listening is hard, we still want to contribute a sound and image, sign, symbol – or simply telling a story. Thus the movie was born. The film, however, is also evidence that a sound and an image can live their independent and separates lives. n INFOBOX
