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SAE Alumni Magazine 1|12

SAE & SAE ALUMNI NEWS // INTERCONTINENTAL NEWS 065064 SAE & SAE ALUMNI NEWS // INTERCONTINENTAL NEWS SAE Institute Mexico at MUTEK n Founded in 2000, MUTEK is an international festival organisation dedicated to the promotion of electronic music and the digital arts. Its central platform is an annual five-day event in Montreal, Mexico City, Brazil and Santiago de Chile. Each year, more than 100 artists, pan- elists and industry professionals participate in what has become the leading event of its kind in North, Central & South America. Mexico City’s event included an educational platform for the first time. It is called “#interseccion” and is about getting the world’s musical tal- ent to teach aspiring artists about audio production techniques. The official site for “#interseccion” is SAE Insti- tute Mexico. This year’s talent includes workshops and lectures by artists such as Sepalcure, Ma- chinedrum, Kid Koala, Tyondai Braxton, Robert Henke, Cubenx and Murcof. SAE Institute México en Mutek n Fundado en el 2000, MUTEK es un festival internacional dedicado a promoci- onar música electronica y artes digitales. Su plataforma central es un evento de 5 días en Montreal, Ciudad de México, Bra- sil y Santiago de Chile. Cada año, más de 100 artistas, panelistas y profesionales de la industria participan en lo que se ha convertido en el mayor evento de su categoría en el Norte, Centro y Sur de América. La edición en la Ciudad de México ahora ha incluido una plataforma educativa por primera vez, llamada “#intersección”; destinada a reun- ir a los mejores talentos mundiales para enseñar a jóvenes sobre té- cnicas de producción de audio. El sitio official de “#interseccion” fue SAE Institute México y, este año, la lista de artistas que dieron pláticas y talleres en el instituto incluyó a: Machinedrum, Kid Koala, Tyondai Braxton, Robert Henke, Cubenx y Murcof. USA / Los Angeles Mexico Close to Home Artists Showcase n SAE Los Angeles recently partnered with local radio station, Star 98.7 FM, for the Close to Home artist showcase. The concert series took place at Universal City Walk and hosted emerging local talent. The all-encompassing programme featured an on-air show, local mu- sic events and a website to feature emerging talent. Close to Home Künstler-Showcase n SAE Los Angeles tat sich für das Close to Home Künstler-Showcase mit dem Lokalradio Star 98.7 FM zusammen. Die Konzertreihe mit jungen lokalenTalenten fand auf dem Universal City Walk statt. Das umfassende Konzept be- stand aus einer On Air Show, lokalen Musik- Events und einer Website, die neue Talente featuren soll. Mexico’s Education Minister at SAE Institute Mexico kick-off party n The Minister of Education for Mexico, Profes- sor Alonso Lujambio graced the inauguration party with a highly emotive inaugural speech about how the creative industries and the im- pulse of education can bring important eco- nomical development to the country. Francisco Amaya, Manager for the school and Miguel Veloso, Academic Dean stated their commitment to work towards positioning SAE Institute Mexico as the leading provider for creative media education in the country and also supported Professor Lujambio’s speech about the importance of helping the creative industries in Mexico and Latin America mature. Po- litical analysts have pointed to Professor Alonso Lujambio as a possible candidate for Mexico’s Presidency now that the elections are a year away. El Secretario de Educación Pública, Alonso Lujambio, presente en la fiesta de inaugura- ción de SAE Institute México n El Secretario de Educación Pública, Alonso Lujambio, nos acompañó durante nuestra fies- ta de inauguración con un emotivo discurso sobre las industrias creativas y como el impul- so de la educación puede generar un importan- te desarrollo económico en el país. Francisco Amaya, Director General del institu- to, y Miguel Veloso, Director Académico, con- firmaron su compromiso de posicionar a SAE Institute México como el proveedor líder de educación en medias creativas del país; al mismo tiempo apoyaron el discurso del Secretario Lujambio sobre la importancia de ayudar a las industrias creativas en México y América Latina. SAE Los Angeles Tech Day Series n SAE Los Angeles introduced its Tech Day series, featuring EveAnna Manley (Manley Labs) and Jona- than Little (Little Labs). Both demonstrated to stu- dents the ins-and-outs of analog gear and phasing. EveAnna shared her knowledge of tubes, compres- sors and EQs, giving students the low down on what makes her gear so sought after, and talked about the plug-ins they have been working on with Universal Audio. Jonathan Little was chief tech at A&M studios for 10 years, also working for several major studios such as Conway Studios, Salty Dog, and Village Re- cords. SAE Los Angeles Tech Day Reihe n SAE Los Angeles stellte ihre Tech Day Reihe vor. Mit dabei EveAnna Manley (Manley Labs) und Jona- than Little (Little Labs). Die beiden zeigten den Stu- denten die Besonderheiten von Analog-Equipment. EveAnna teilte ihr Wissen über Röhren, Kompresso- ren und EQs, indem sie den Studenten erklärte, wa- rum ihre Geräte so gefragt sind. Außerdem sprach sie über die gemeinsam mit Universal Audio entwi- ckelten Plug-ins. Jonathan Little war für 10 Jahre Cheftechniker der A&M Studios und arbeitete auch für andere große Studios wie die Conway Studios, Salty Dog und Village Records. Craze visits SAE Institute Miami n 3-time DMC world champion turntablist DJ Craze stopped by SAE Miami for the inaugural SAE Studio Session. Craze spoke to students about his career as a DJ/Producer, showcased a demonstration of his skills and answered questions about his state of music and where he thinks its going. n Der dreimalige DMC Turntablist Weltmeister DJ Craze besuchte SAE Mi- amis erste ‚SAE Studio Session‘. Craze erzählte den Studenten aus seiner Karrie- re als DJ/Producer, zeigte seine Skills und beantwortete Fragen zu seiner Musik und wohin sie sich seiner Meinung nach entwickeln wird. Close to Home Artists Showcase Jonathan Little DJ Craze Robert Henke, Ableton Live inventor on Sound, Space & Structure Joaquín Jiménez, Latin America’s first Ableton Certified Trainer USA / Miami Mexico Zumba Instructor Convention n SAE Miami instructor Carlos Arellano was a busy man this past summer.As the Monitor Mixer for the Zumba Instructor Convention, Arellano worked under the stage and was in charge of 24 mixes, 21 submixes, and the recording of the show, which featured Wyclef Jean and Pitbull. n SAE Miami Dozent Carlos Arellano war letz- ten Sommer gut beschäftigt. Als Monitormischer der Zumba Inst- ructor Convention arbeitete er unter der Bühne, wo er für 24 Mixes, 21 Submixes und das Recording der Show, in der auch Wyclef Jean und Pitbull auftraten, verantwortlich war. SAE Institute Mexico at Campus Party n Campus Party is the largest global technology fes- tival encompassing innovation, creativity, science and digital entertainment. For 7 days, thousands of visitors gather in an environment of learning. There are 5 an- nual events in six cities: Valencia, Sao Paulo, Bogota, Mexico City, Quito and The Silicon Valley Tech in San Francisco. At Mexico City’s last event, SAE Institute Mexico was invited to participate as the curatorial and academic provider for the audio and videogame streams. Work- shops, lectures and conferences were given by some of the most talented teachers and pros the industry has to offer. “Ableton Live: The future of DAW’s” by Joaquín Jiménez “Audio for Film” by Carlos Honc “Videogame Development in Latin Amer- ica” by Cuauhtémoc Sentíes SAE Institute México en Campus Party n Campus Party es el festival de tecnología global más grande, donde se juntan la innovación, creativi- dad, ciencia y entretenimiento digital. Durante 7 días, miles de visitantes se reúnen en un ambiente de ap- rendizaje. Existen 5 ediciones anuales de este evento en 6 ciudades: Valencia, Sao Paulo, Bogotá, Ciudad de México City, Quito y San Francisco. En la última edición mexicana, SAE Institute México fue invitado a participar como proveedor académico para las áreas de Audio y Videojuegos. Talleres, con- ferencias y ponencias fueron dadas por algunos de nuestros más talentosos profesores /profesionales que la industria puede ofrecer.Taller: Ableton Live por Joaquín Jimenez Conferencia: Sonido pa- ra Video y Cine por Carlos Honc Conferencia: Desarrollo de Videojuegos por Cuauhtémoc Sentíes Left: Minister Of Education Alonso Lujambio during his speech; right: Francisco Amaya professionelle Studio- & Broadcastlösungen ■ Klangoptimierte Mikrofon- und Instrumentenkabel ■ Mehrfach geschirmte High End Mulitpairkabel ■ Große Auswahl an SDI / HDTV Videoleitungen ■ Hartvergoldete Qualitäts-Steckverbinder von HICON und NEUTRIK ■ Individuell konfigurierbare Verteilsysteme für Rundfunk- und Studiotechnik ■ Professioneller Support Für Aug‘ und Ohr… Fiber-System, 4-fach, für HD-Übertragungen RJ45 10Gbit mit Schutzgehäuse Broadcast-Fiber-Drum 3G-SDI + Ton + Power Fiber-System, 4-fach,Fiber-System, 4-fach,Fiber-System, 4-fach,Fiber-System, 4-fach, für HD-Übertragungenfür HD-Übertragungenfür HD-Übertragungenfür HD-Übertragungen 21. –24. März 2012 Halle 8.0, Stand J40 SOMMER CABLE GmbH Audio ■ Video ■ Broadcast ■ Medientechnik ■ HiFi ■ SOMMER CABLE GmbH NEUEN KATALOG GRATIS ANFORDERN !