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SAE Alumni Magazine 1|12

056 SAE & SAE ALUMNI NEWS // EUROPEAN NEWS SAE & SAE ALUMNI NEWS // EUROPEAN NEWS 057 Learning by doing with Zen Circus and Il Teatro Degli Orrori n Zen Circus and Il Teatro Degli Orrori are two of the most famous and appreciated bands in the Italian indie scene. In recent months they collaborated with SAE Milan giving our students the opportunity to realise important audio and film related team projects. Coordinated by Giorgio Pona, Head of Audio and Vincenzo Cuccia, Head of Film, our stu- dents produced tracks and promotional clips that were released nationwide. It was a great training experience for them: they worked with many indus- try professionals and were able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, live in the recording studio. This is surely the best way to learn! Learning by doing with Zen Circus and Il Teatro Degli Orrori n Zen Circus e Il Teatro degli Orrori sono due tra band più famose e apprezzate della scena indipendente italiana. Nei mesi scorsi hanno collaborato con SAE Institute Milano, dando l’opportunità ai nostri studenti di realizzare im- portanti progetti in team, legati sia all’audio che al film making. Coordinati da Giorgio Pona e Vincenzo Cuccia, rispettivamente Head of Audio e Head of Film Department, i nostri studenti hanno prodotto brani e video promozionali che sono stati distribuiti su scala nazionale. E’ stata una grande esperienza formativa per loro: hanno lavorato con molti professionisti del settore e potuto applicare nozioni teoriche alla pratica live in studio di registrazione. Di sicuro il modo migliore per imparare! Martin Bezjak, a successful student and producer n Martin Bezjak, one of our current Bachelor’s degree students, produced the Slovenian pop- rock-blues artist Bilby’s very successful song “Hvala za vijolice”. His interesting production definitely played a role in the song’s instant suc- cess on the Slovenian charts and radio play. Their official video got numerous views and likes on YouTube. Currently the song has al- ready reached 800,000 views and is gaining popularity – check out the video at: This isn’t Martin’s only successful production; he was a winner at the SAE Alumni Awards in 2009 and has worked on a number of interesting projects until now. We wish him all the best for all of his upcoming projects. Martin Bezjak, uspešen študent in producent n Martin Bezjak, naš trenutni Bachelor študent, je produciral zelo uspešno pesem “Hvala za vijolice”, ki jo izvaja slovenska pop-rock-blues izvajalka Bilbi. Njegov zanimiv način produkci- je je zagotovo igral pomembno vlogo pri hitrem uspehu pesmi na slovenskih lestvicah in pred- vajanju na radiu. Uradni videospot je na Youtu- be-u imel veliko število ogledov in “lajkov”. Trenutno pesem dosega 800.000 ogledov in še pridobiva na popularnosti – video si lahko og- ledate na tej povezavi: Vendar pa to ni edina uspešna produkcija pod katero se je podpisal Martin. Leta 2009 je bil zmagovalec SAE Alumni Award-a, do sedaj pa je delal tudi pri številnih drugih projektih. Želimo mu veliko sreče tudi pri nadaljnih projektih. Bachelor’s Degree programme started at SAE Ljubljana n The end of last year marked the start of the Bachelor of Arts/Science Audio Production de- gree study programme at SAE Ljubljana, which is validated by Middlesex University, London, England. Students who have earned theirAudio Engineering Diploma can now enroll in the sec- ond progression year, which covers topics about advanced audio engineering (e.g. clas- sical music recording, programming, post-production and location sound recording, music studies) as well as business, marketing, project manage- ment and more. Our first fresh group of students are already expressing positive feedback about the course thanks to the selection of the best teachers from industry, guided by our campus academic coordinator An- drea Santini. We are expecting that many more diploma students will gain interest in the new programme and expand their knowledge. Visokošolski študij na SAE Ljubljana n Konecprejšnjegaletajezaznamovalpričetek izvajanja visokošolskega študija Bachelor of Arts/ScienceAudio Production na SAE Ljublja- na. Program je priznan s strani Middlesex Uni- versity iz Londona, Anglija. Študentje, ki so pridobili svojo Avdio Inženiring diplomo, sedaj lahko nadaljujejo svoj študij na drugi stopnji, ki pokriva teme naprednega avdio inženiringa (na primer snemanje klasične glasbe, programiran- je, postprodukcija, lokacijsko snemanje zvoka in glasbene študije), pos- lovanja, trženja, projektnega managementa in še kaj. Naša prva sveža skupina študentov že izraža zadovoljstvo s programom, za kar se mora- mo zahvaliti izboru najboljših učiteljev iz industrije, ki jih usmerja naš akademski koordinator Andrea Santini. Pričakujemo, da bo program za- nimiv za še več diplomantov ter da si bodo tako razširili svoje znanje. RED Camera Workshop in SAE Belgrade n SAE Institute Belgrade’s Film Department kicked off an exciting New Year by hosting Liv- ing Pictures, Serbia’s leading digital cinema rental company. The film and 3D animation diploma students were treated to a comprehen- sive introduction and a hands-on demonstra- tion of the working process of the RED EPIC camera. RED cameras are at the cutting edge of today’s digital film technology and several of this year’s Academy Award-nominated films were shot on RED camera, including The Girl With the Drag- on Tattoo. RED cameras have been used by some of today’s most successful filmmakers such as Peter Jackson, Ridley Scott, James Cameron and others. SAE Belgrade students attended the workshop run by the company’s director Dimce and renowned cinematographer Nemanja Jovanov, who instructed & entertained the students about the phenomenon of digital cinema production and RED’s place within it. Radionica RED kamere na SAE Institutu Beograd n U januaru mesecu katedra Digitalne Filmske Produkcije na SAE Institutu Beograd počela je novugodinunanajboljimogućinačin–ugostivši Living Pictures, jednog od lidera na polju iz- najmljivanja filmske tehnike u Srbiji i regionu. Tokom praktične radionice oragnizovane ovom prilikom, studentima filmske katedre i odseka 3D animacije predstavljena je RED Epic kame- ra, kao i celokupan sistem rada u digitalnom okruženju ovog formata. Red kamere zauzima- ju visoko mesto u savremenoj filmskoj produk- ciji, što govori i podatak da je nekoliko ovogodišnjih nominacija za prestižnu nagradu Oskar snimano upravo ovim kamerama uključujući i film “The Girl With the Dragon Tat- too”. Red kamere su deo tehnologije kojim se koriste neki od najuspešnijih filmskih stvaralaca: Reter Džekson , Ridli Skot ,Dzejms Kameron i ostali… U prijatnom druženju vlasnik kompanije Living Pictures Dimče Stojanov- ski i Nemanja Jovanov, renomirani direktor fotografije, SAE studentima su, kroz priču i niz praktičnih iskustava, približili kreativni domen digitalne kinematografije, kao i mesto koje pripada RED sistemu, kao jednim od vodećih inovatora na ovom polju. SAE Alumni Party in Ljubljana n In the middle of December, right before our annual Christmas break, we hosted the SAE Alumni Party. The party was a great opportu- nity for our current and former students to so- cialise, enjoy a couple of drinks together and listen to some nice music. Visitors enjoyed live performances by two bands and a number of DJs. First to hit the stage was the Slovenian electro-rock trio called Kar- makoma. Their pounding drums and hard driven bass seriously warmed up the growing crowd. After the explosive intro, the well known and charismatic Croatian electro-pop band Lol- lobridgida opened their set full of catchy and energetic songs that made the whole audience dance. After Lollobrigida had finished with their set, the party continued with DJs such as Danny Clark, Malek and Alex Ron- erro who made sure that the fun, loud music and great atmosphere con- tinued until the early morning when the party eventually finished. SAE Alumni Party v Ljubljani n V sredini decembra, ravno pred našim vsa- koletnim božičnim premorom, smo gostili SAE Alumni Party. Zabava je bila odlična priložnost za druženje sedanjih in bivših študentov ob pijači in dobri glasbi. Obiskovalci so lahko uživali ob nastopu dveh skupin in DJ-jev. Prvi je oder zasedel slovenski elektro rock trio Karmakoma. Njihovi udarni bobni in silovit bas so razvneli vedno večjo pu- bliko. Po eksplozivnem uvodu je odprla svoj set, poln privlačnih in energičnih pesmi, znana in karizmatična hrvaška elektro-pop skupina Lol- lobrigida, ki je pripravila občinstvo do plesa. Po njihovem nastopu, se je zabava nadaljevala z DJ-ji, kot so Danny Clark, Malek inAlex Ronnero, ki so poskrbeli, da zabava, glasna glasba in odlično vzdušje ne bi popustili do zgodnjih jutranjih ur. “The new Rockstar philosophy” n SAE Institute Milan hosted a presentation of “The New Rockstar Philosophy”, written by Hoover and Voyno after the great success of their Canadian blog of the same name. The authors and one of the two editors of the Italian edition, Claudia Galal, took part in the event; Tommaso Colliva was abroad for work pur- poses. Online distribution or selling CDs after live per- formances, or both? There are a lot of alterna- tive activities which can be used to promote yourself and they are not as expensive as you might think. For instance: a blog, your own net- work of contacts, a mailing list, or a simple chat after a gig. Every artist should constantly do some soul searching and challenge himself. The message is clear: money is not the only key to achieving success. And this is part of the “Do It Yourself” mantra. “The new Rockstar philosophy”, una guida per il successo fai da te n SAE Institute Milano ha ospitato la presen- tazione di “The New Rockstar Philosopy”, scrit- to da Hoover e Voyno dopo il grande successo del loro omonimo blog canadese. All’evento hanno preso parte gli autori e uno dei due curatori dell’edizione italiana, Claudia Galal – Tommaso Colliva si trovava invece all’estero per motivi di lavoro. Distribuzione online, vendita dei cd dopo i live, o entrambe le cose. Ci sono molte attività alter- native per promuoversi, e non sono così dis- pendiose in termini economici come si potreb- be pensare. Ad esempio, un blog, una propria rete di contatti, una mailing list, o una semplice chiacchierata dopo la gig: ogni artista dovrebbe costantemente mettersi in discussione e lanci- are delle sfide a se stesso. Il messaggio è chiaro: i soldi non sono l’unica chiave del successo. E anche questo fa parte del dogma “Do It Yourself”. Zen Circus Live@Studio A Martin Bezjak at SAE Ljubljana Living Pictures team discusses the RED camera with SAE students SAE Alumni Party Flyer Hoover & Voyno Milano Ljubljana Belgrade In partnership with The BA/BSc Hons Audio Production Degree is validated by Middlesex University, England.