The wishes of the SAE community were granted with two additional seminar and workshop rooms. These enabled a total of 77 seminars and work- shops to be offered over both days of the conven- tion, more than ever before. Despite or perhaps because of this many people waited patiently at the entrances so as to not miss anything. Lecturers such as Photoshop guru Calvin Hollywood, film editing ace Constantin von Sed (Til Schweiger Prod.) and game developer Saban Ünlü (netTrack) proved to be real crowd-pullers as did audio buffs Hans Martin Buff (Prince, George Clinton, Sheryl Crow, Zucchero), Patrik Majer (Hansa Tonstu- dios) and the journalist Christian Jakubetz (ZDF, N24, Pro7, SAT1). In addition to the crème de la crème of the audio industry the top exhibitors in the film sec- tor displayed their up-to-date equipment and answered questions from the inquisitive public. The Alexa camera from ARRI received particu- lar attention as it was the first time many of the students had seen it. Lighting, monitoring and broadcasting technology you can reach out and touch - only at the SAE Alumni Convention. The audiophiles caught up with the most up- to-date software and hardware production tools and learnt about studio construction and room acoustics. In the studio area they received many answers to individual questions regarding themselves and their own personal production situation. The large new convention tent housed the catering and equipment exhibition areas. This was combined with two further innovations: a gaming lounge and a shiatsu massage station. The Thursday evening of the convention is traditionally characterised by the celebra- tory SAE Alumni Awards ceremony and the legendary convention party at Fritz Club. With the SAE Alumni Awards the SAE community pays tribute to outstanding productions from all areas of media education and the Junior Awards present sponsorship awards to stu- dents who are still studying. After the glamor- ous awards ceremony all the signs pointed to the party! Like last year SAE founder Dr Tom Misner made the opening speech, opened the buffet and to rapturous cheers announced the bar with 1000 litres of free beer open. Two bands and many DJs rocked the Berlin night away over three areas and around 1500 guests partied until the early hours. n Dem Wunsch der SAE Community fol- gend wurden zwei zusätzliche Seminar- und Workshop-Räume eingerichtet. Somit konnten an den beiden Convention-Tagen insgesamt 77 Seminare und Workshops angeboten werden. So viele wie noch nie! Trotzdem oder gerade deswegen warteten die vielen Interessenten geduldig an den Eingängen, um nichts zu verpassen. Dozen- ten wie Photoshop-Guru Calvin Hollywood, Filmschnitt-Assistent Constantin von Sed (Til Schweiger Prod.) oder Game-Entwickler Sa- ban Ünlü (netTrack) erwiesen sich als wahre Publikumsmagneten, genauso wie die Audio- Cracks Hans-Martin Buff (Prince, George Clinton, Sheryl Crow, Zucchero), Patrik Majer (Hansa Tonstudios) und der Journalist Christi- an Jakubetz (ZDF, N24, Pro7, SAT1). Neben der Crème de la Crème derAudio-In- dustrie zeigten vor allem im Fachbereich Film neu hinzugekommene Top-Aussteller ihr aktu- elles Equipment und beantworteten die Fragen des wissbegierigen Publikums. Besondere Auf- merksamkeit kam hier der Alexa-Kamera von ARRI zu, die viele Studenten zum ersten Mal so unmittelbar zu sehen bekamen. Licht-, Mo- nitor- und Übertragungstechnik zum Anfassen: So entspannt kann man das nur auf der SAE Alumni Convention erleben. Die Tonleute informierten sich neben den aktu- ellen Soft- und Hardware-Tools zur Produktion auch über Studiobau und Raumakustik und be- kamen im Studiotrakt viele individuelleAntwor- ten auf Fragen, die sie und ihre ganz persönliche Produktionssituation betreffen. Das neue große Convention-Zelt, das nun Ca- tering und Equipment-Ausstellungsflächen ver- eint, hielt mit der zusätzlichen Gaming Lounge und der Shiatsu-Massage-Station zwei weitere Neuerungen bereit. Der Abend des Convention-Donnerstags steht traditionell im Zeichen der festlichen SAE Alum- ni Awards Verleihung und der legendären Con- vention-Party im Fritzclub. Mit den SAE Alumni Awards ehrt die SAE Community herausragende Produktionen aus allen Fachbereichen der Me- dienausbildung und vergibt mit den Junior Awards Förderpreise an Studenten, die noch in der Ausbil- dung sind. Nach der glamourösen Verleihung stan- den alle Zeichen auf Party. Den Startschuss gab wie jedes Jahr SAE-Gründer Dr. Tom Misner mit einer kurzen Ansprache und der anschließenden Freigabe des Buffets und der 1.000 Liter Freibier. Zwei Bands und mehrere DJs rockten auf drei Are- as die Berliner Nacht und die rund 1.500 Partygäste bis in die frühen Morgenstunden. n World renowned Audio engineer Hans-Martin Buff Photoshop Guru Calvin Hollywood SeminarsAwards SAE Institute founder Tom Misner Epic: the SAE Convention Party! Party Visitors meet Product Specialists Top gear at the Convention: the ARRI “ALEXA” Ehibitors SAE Alumni Convention VIIThe event highlight of the media branch rocked Berlin The SAE Alumni Convention in October 2011 reached a new high with two additional seminar spaces, an extended tent concept and Frantic Friday as the surprising raffle highlight of the event. Mit zwei zusätzlichen Seminarräumen, erweitertem Zeltkonzept und dem Frantic Friday als überraschendem Tombola-Highlight erreichte die SAE Alumni Convention im Oktober 2011 eine neue Höchstmarke. The happy winners of the SAE Alumni Awards 2011 in Berlin Photos:DavidNavratil The SAE Alumni Convention in October 2011 reached a new high with two additional seminar spaces, an extended tent concept and Frantic Friday as the surprising raffle highlight of the event. The SAE Alumni Convention in October 2011 reached a new high with two additional seminar The SAE Alumni Convention in October 2011 reached a new high with spaces, an extended tent concept and Fran- tic Friday as the surprising raffle highlight of the event. “77 seminars and workshops are offered – more than ever before” Mit dem größten und breitest gefächerten Programm ihrer Geschichte setzte die SAEAlumni Convention VII am 13./14. Oktober 2011 eine neue Marke. Gäste aus aller Welt schnupperten die berühmte Berliner Luft und freuten sich über ihre persönlichen Begegnungen mit den Kollegen. Besonderen Glanz brachte zusätzlich das Gipfeltreffen der SAE-Manager in die deutsche Hauptstadt, zu dem neben SAE-Gründer Dr. Tom Misner auch Navitas CEO-Rod Jones mit der gesamten Navitas-/SAE-Führungs- spitze angereist waren, um die Weiterentwicklung des Weltmarktführers der privaten Medienausbilder zu erörtern. Anew standard was set at the SAE Alumni Convention VII on 13th and 14th October 2011 with the largest and most diverse programme in its history. Guests from all around the world sampled the famous Berlin air and enjoyed face-to-face meetings with colleagues.Asummit of SAE man- agers was held in the German capital to discuss the further development of the world leader in private media education. This was also attended by SAE founder Dr Tom Misner and Navitas CEO Rod Jones as well as the whole of Navitas/SAE top management, adding class to the summit. The SAE Alumni Convention in October 2011 reached a new high with two additional seminar spaces, an extended tent concept and Frantic Friday as the surprising raffle highlight of the event. The SAE Alumni Convention in October 2011 reached a new high with two additional seminar The SAE Alumni Convention in October 2011 reached a new high with spaces, an extended tent concept and Frantic Friday as the surprising raffle highlight of the event. The SAE Alumni Convention in October 2011 reac with two additional seminar spaces, an extended te Frantic Friday as the surprising raffle highlight of SAE ALUMNI CONVENTION VII // REVIEW018 SAE ALUMNI CONVENTION VII // REVIEW 019