SAE & SAE Alumni NEWS // European News 061 Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival n SAE Brussels students volunteered with the technical team of the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFFF). The Festival in its 29th year is entirely dedicated to science fiction, horror, zombie, thriller, psycho, the more horrifying the better! Over the two weeks movie addicts can enjoy over 60 genre movies, along with a Japanimation Day, Belgian Film Day and even a Zombie parade. The festival attracts some distinguished guests, which this year included directors and actors such as Aja Alexandre, John Landis, Alex de la Iglesia, Chun-Yu Lai and many many more. Our film and audio students partici- pated in filming and mixing the audio for Q&A sessions with the guests, after which they edited the whole content into web clips for the festival. The atmosphere was exceptional and just like with any other big event, you must always be prepared to expect the unexpected. It was a great experience for our students, we hope to be there next year as well! n Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival Les élèves SAE ont fait partie des bénévoles à soutenir l‘équipe technique du Festival Inter- national du Film Fantastique de Bruxelles (BIFFF). Le Festival est entièrement dédié à la science-fiction, l’horreur, le zombie, le thril- ler, .... Nos étudiants en cinéma et audio ont participé aux captations et aux mixages audio lors des sessions. Ce fut une expérience for- midable pour nos étudiants, nous espérons renouveler l’expérience l’année prochaine! Onze SAE studenten waren onder de vrijwilli- gers om het technische team van het Interna- tionaal Festival van de Fantastische Film in Brussel (BIFFF) te onders- teunen. Het festival is gewijd aan science fiction, horror, zombie, thriller, .... Onze filmstudenten namen deel aan de audio en video opnames van de Q&A sessies. Het was een geweldige ervaring voor onze studenten, we hopen er volgend jaar ook bij te zijn! Auro-3D at SAE Brussels n Manager of SAE Brussels, Robin Reumers, who has also been involved in operations at Galaxy Studios in Mol, decided it was time for innovation at SAE Brussels. Shortly after the official launch of the 3D Audio format «Auro- 3D» we are now renewing our 5.1 studio and adding the 3D audio system in its place. Auro- 3D is tipped to be the next big thing for audio in the cinema industry. It transforms conven- tional audio into a fully immersive 3D sound experience, with sounds coming from all around and above the listener. Once the system is installed, our students will be among the first to use this new sound technology (including the Pro Tools plugin). We hope that this new addition helps the students to keep abreast of the evolutions of the audio and film industry. n Auro-3D chez SAE Bruxelles Le manager du SAE Bruxelles, Robin Reu- mers, qui est également impliqué aux studios Galaxy de Mol, a décidé qu‘il était temps d’innover à la SAE de Bruxelles. Après le lan- cement officiel du format audio «Auro-3D» nous rénovons maintenant notre studio 5.1 en y ajoutant un système audio 3D à la place. Auro-3D est probablement le prochain standard en matière de son cinéma. Nos étu- diants seront parmi les premiers à utiliser cette nouvelle technologie. De manager van SAE Brussel Robin Reumers, die ook betrokken is bij de Galaxy Studios in Mol, besloot dat het hoog tijd was voor innovatie bij SAE Brussel. Na de officiële lancering van het audio formaat „Auro-3D“ zijn we nu onze 5.1 studio aan het hernieuwen door er een 3D audio systeem aan toe te voegen. Auro-3D zal waarschijnlijk de volgende stan- daard in geluid voor film worden. Onze studenten zullen als één van de eersten deze nieuwe technologie gebruiken. Brussels Building for the Future at Galaxy Studios n Students at SAE Brussels had the chance to take a sneak peek behind the scenes of Galaxy Studios during the “Building for the Future“ event. During the day several work- shops and conferences were held by profes- sionals of the audio and video industry. Talks on how to finance your first feature, the future of music distribution and audio developments in gaming along with the presentation of the new Auro 3D sound made the day extremely interesting for our students. The day ended with a fabulous meet and greet where every- one had the opportunity to have a chat with the main characters of the day as well as all the professionals involved. An excellent occasion for some serious networking. Among the guests were Tom Pearce, degree lecturer at SAE Brussels and Robin Reumers, manager of SAE Brussels. n Building for the Future chez Galaxy Studios Lors de l’événement „Building for the Future“ nos étudiants ont eu l’opportunité de visiter les coulisses des Studios Galaxy à Mol. De nom- breux ateliers et conférences ont été organi- sés par des professionnels de l‘industrie audio et vidéo. Plusieurs sujets actuels, ainsi que le lancement du nouveau système son Auro 3D; étaient parmi les thèmes de la journée. Parmi les invités figuraient Tom Pearce, professeur régulier au SAE à Bruxelles dans la section. Tijdens het evenement „Building for the Fu- ture“ kregen onze studenten de gelegenheid om achter de schermen te gaan kijken bij Galaxy Studios in Mol. Er werden meerdere workshops en conferenties georganiseerd door profes- sionelen uit de audio-en video-industrie. Verschillende actuele thema’s kwamen aan bod, alsook de lancering van de nieuwe geluidstechnologie 3D-Auro.Als gastsprekers waren er o.a. Tom Pearce, regelmatige spreker bij SAE Brussel voor de degree afdeling. Auro masters: Seigen Ono, Gareth Llewellyn, David Miles Huber, Tom Pearce and Florian Camerer David Miles Huber and Florian Camerer with SAE Students and Staff attending. New Auro-3D studio with Avid Icon and Sonodyne Speakers (SAE Brussels).