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SAE Magazin 2/2011

Munich............................................................................................. 081 Paris................................................................................................ 082 COVER STORY Sailing Conductors – discovering the unknown 016 FEATURED PROFILES Rod Jones – Founder and CEO of Navitas 030  Götz Hannemann – Skipper of European Marketing 034 PEOPLE & BUSINESS DJD: Worth a 1000 words – Photographer Ralph Larmann 086 Calvin Hollywood – Digital artist, photographer, Photoshop trainer 090 Film / Audio: Clockit – In-field timecode based synchronisation 094 Web: Mayas in 3D – A virtual tour to ancient times 098 PRODUCTION & KNOW HOW Audio: Auro-3D – Here comes a revolution in 3D sound 102 Sensory Branding: Experiencing brands with all senses 106 Film: John Cassavetes – A modern Influence 108 Web: An introduction to AS3 signals 112 Game: Your own Android app – An introduction for developers 116 DJD: Producing a video interview by yourself 118 Time and project management for creative minds 120 Law: Who is liable for the unauthorised use of an eBay account 122 EVENTS & ACITVITIES Hidden Superlative – The 16th FMX Conference in Stuttgart 126 IMS@Ibiza 2011 127 SAE at SMPTE11 Conference and Exhibition 128 Editorial....................................................................................... 003 Index of Advertisers..................................................................... 130 Contact........................................................................................ 130 Imprint......................................................................................... 130 SERVICE SAE Alumni Convention VII Preview 022 Worth a 1000 words – Photographer Ralph Larmann 086 Clockit – In-field timecode based synchronisation 094 Free SAE Alumni membership 010 Auro-3D – Here comes a revolution in 3D Sound 102 AWARDS SEMNIARS EXHIBITORS October 13th  / 14th 2011 in Berlin // SAE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION INVITES YOU TO ITS ANNUAL CONVENTION. 70 EXHIBITORS, 80 SEMINARS – ONE BIG PARTY! PARTY 2011 From 1st September 2011 SAE Alumni membership will be free of charge for all SAE graduates. Ab 1. September 2011 wird die SAE-Alumni- Mitgliedschaft für alle SAE-Absolventen kostenlos sein. Membership free! From September 2011: SAE Alumni … SERVICE // CONTENT 005